Reimagining Grand Central Terminal: Photogrammetry in Augmented Reality
Partner: Julia Lin
Fall 2019
Course: Virtual, Augmented, and Built Realities; Barnard College
Instructor: Professor Beom Jun Jason Kim
Rhino, Unity, Meshroom
Photogrammetry, Filmmaking, Photography, 3D Modelling, Augmented Reality
Rhino, Unity, and Meshroom were used to generate a digital output of Grand Central Terminal’s interior space, most specifically the Main Concourse. This analysis is not to be thought of as a traditional architectural model but, rather, as an artifact or object that can be held and observed from meaningful angles and orientations. We explored the potential implications of photogrammetry and augmented reality technologies in architectural modes of historical preservation, as we overlayed layers of history, rhetoric, and context that are invisible yet embedded in the commuter experience.